“Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic of them all.” – Stanley Horowitz
What’s your favorite season? They all possess magic in different ways but I have to admit, I always miss the spring and summer flowers that provided so much joy a few months ago and are now fading quickly.
The days are getting shorter. There is a chill in the morning and evening air. Admittedly, the nip in the air feels wonderful and as the afternoon sun warms the outdoors, it’s a great time to update your garden journal if you have one.
Also on the pleasant days, take pictures of what’s in bloom. Even if you don’t keep a journal, at least you’ll have an idea of what holds up well in the garden, all stored in your handy dandy cell phone. That way when you are planning for spring planting you’ll have an idea of what is worth your investment.
The first frost will be coming soon and that will probably wipe out most of the stragglers from spring and summer. In the meantime, I’ve been taking pictures every few weeks and updating my journal.
I’m fairly amazed at what’s still in bloom and providing some beautiful color, what’s come and gone, and a few rebloomers that always put a smile on my face.
These are some of the flowers I’ve earmarked for next year’s garden because they have delivered so beautifully.
I hope you are enjoying the last of your summer bloomers and perhaps introducing some fresh fall favorites including mums, pansies, and croton to appreciate as the fall season moves along.
If you’ve taken pictures of what’s still blooming in your garden, I’d love to see them. [email protected]