The month of July is a month of extremes for me. It begins with the remembrance and celebration of one of the greatest things that has ever happened to me – the birth of my daughter. The month ends with memories and flashbacks of the most horrific thing that has ever happened to me – the death of my son. The extremes are hard to process. My feelings and emotions are so varied during this time of the year, I wonder how I will ever find balance again. But, I do.
Once the raw emotions of the month subside, I begin to think clearer, and I begin to find rest and peace in what I know. I know that no matter where I find myself, whether good or bad, easy or difficult, God has either placed me there or allowed me to be there for reasons known only to Him. I know that if I keep my focus on Him, He will ultimately bring good from the most tragic circumstances. I know that my God has promised never to leave or forsake me, never to forget, never to abandon. I know His love never ceases, and His care never dims. I know that I live in a fallen, evil world ruled by an enemy that sent unimaginable pain in my life in an attempt to destroy my family. But, we have a Savior that will not allow us to ever be destroyed! What Satan intended for evil and harm, God intended for good!
And as with life, we move forward, knowing His mercy, grace and love not only get us through the extremes but any time. We simply have to trust in Him.