Extraordinary people offer talents beyond their challenges

Riley Clarke enjoys sharing her talent of singing and playing the guitar. (Judy Thompson)

It has been something Judy Thompson has wanted to do for some time – to showcase those who have daily challenges as special needs individuals in a way that demonstrates their unique skills and passions.

“I wanted to allow those with special needs to show their skills and talents,” Thompson said of the exciting night planned. “We are calling it the Habersham Heroes Talent Show. I hope people in the community will come and support those participating.”

Sarah Kirshner enjoys Robotic dancing. (Judy Thompson)

On Saturday, September 14, at Clarkesville First Methodist Church, a talent show for individuals with special needs will be held. If you sing, dance, play an instrument, or tell jokes, this is your opportunity to shine. Thompson said they need more acts.

It starts at 4 p.m. and the community is invited to come support and celebrate the beautiful skill sets of others. The show intends to spread awareness of people in the special needs community’s talents and give them a platform to show off their skills.

Patrick Quillen, a trumpet player and special needs adult, will be participating in the Habersham Heroes Talent Show, and he is excited.  “I’m going to play my trumpet,” Patrick said. “Church hymn songs. Please come and see me.”

Sarah Kirshner is a robotic dancer and Riley Clark will sing and play her ukulele.

The Habersham County Heroes Talent Show is on Saturday, September 14, at the Clarkesville First Methodist Church in Clarkesville. Patrick Quillan loves the trumpet. (Judy Thompson)

The event will be held in the church fellowship hall adjacent to the church.

Clarkesville First Methodist Church is located at 1087 Washington Street in Clarkesville.

The public is encouraged to attend this event and cheer on out local talent.

This event is free of charge — there is no fee to perform or attend the performance. The church will take up a love offering. Anyone wishing to donate may do so.

To sign up to perform in the talent show, please call 706-768-1701.


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