You did it again! Your entries, 118 of them, were all astounding. With their pompom-like blooms, hydrangeas are like the cheerleaders of the garden. Apparently, many of you are spreading the cheer and the love with a beautiful variety of hydrangeas.
Some of the stories about the hydrangeas you grow in your garden touched our hearts. None more so than Deane Akers, this month’s winner of a hydrangea from Lowe’s in Cornelia.
For as long as she can remember, the hydrangea had been blooming just off the front porch of her home, at least 45 years. The placement was a blessing for her mother who had multiple health and breathing problems but still loved to be out in the yard.

Both Deane, Deane’s dad, and her grandmother all live either beside or across the street from each other in the Hollingsworth community of Banks County. They all have a clear view of the flower that reminds them so much of their dear mom, daughter, and wife who they lost in December.
“Everyone of our family has raved about the hydrangea’s display of blooms this year. We’ve never seen it look this spectacular. We think it’s blooming for mom,” says Deane.
As much as Deane’s mom loved her flowers, she found salvation in the weeks leading up to her death and was filled even more by His love.
“My mom asked me to tell everyone that she got to go to Heaven.”
All of us hope that your new hydrangea from Lowe’s will continue to make sweet, love-filled memories for your family!