The following is a list of Easter week church services and events happening in and around Habersham County. If you have information to add please send to [email protected].
Friday, April 3 – GOOD FRIDAY:
Prayer Walk & Three Crosses: Throughout the day at The Torch 800 Cannon Bridge Rd, Demorest (706) 778-4063.
Good Friday Prayer Service: 12 noon at First Baptist Church 325 Oak St, Cornelia (706) 778-4412 (in Banquet Room).
Good Friday Services: 12 noon Grace-Calvary Episcopal Church, Clarkesville, GA 706-754-2451
Stations of the Cross: 2-6 p.m. – A closing liturgy from 6-6:30 p.m. at St. Thomas the Apostle Anglican Church, 1636 Mud Creek Road, Alto. (706) 894-2422.
The Living Lord’s Supper: 6 p.m. – Bethlehem Baptist Church 624 Highway 197 North Clarkesville (706) 754-4870.
Good Friday Services: 6:30pm. Grace-Calvary Episcopal Church, Clarkesville, GA 706-754-2451.
Good Friday Service: 7 p.m. at Ebenezer United Methodist Church 4000 Hollywood Hwy, Clarkesville (706) 754-9384.
Live Production: 7 p.m. – Free Chapel 3001 McEver Road Gainesville (678) 677-8300.
Saturday, April 4:
Holy Saturday: “He descended into Hell” – 11 a.m., followed by a cookout at noon. St. Thomas the Apostle Anglican Church, 1636 Mud Creek Road, Alto. (706) 894-2422.
Live Production: 7 p.m. Free Chapel 3001 McEver Road Gainesville (678) 677-8300
Sunday, April 5 – EASTER SUNDAY:
The Great Vigil & Holy Eucharist: 6:00 am Grace-Calvary Episcopal Church, Clarkesville, GA 706-754-2451
Easter Sunrise Service: 6:45 a.m. An interdenominational, community service. Bring your blankets and lawn chairs. Refreshments will be served. In the event of inclement weather the service will be held inside the chapel. Hillside Memorial Chapel and Gardens, 5495 Hwy. 197 South, Clarkesville, GA 30523 (706) 754-6256.
Sunrise Service: 7-8 a.m. Shady Grove Baptist Church, Cornelia (706) 778-5045.
Sunrise Service: 7 a.m. followed with a community breakfast Pleasant Hill Baptist at 8503 Pea Ridge Road, Cornelia (706)-778-5004. Traditional worship service at 11 a.m.
Sunrise Service: 7 a.m. on Tower Mountain Cornelia – Speaker – Kevin Mangum, River Point Community Church. Breakfast to follow at Level Grove Baptist Church 157 Old Level Grove Rd, Cornelia (706) 778-6371.
SONrise Service: 7:15 a.m. with breakfast to follow. Our Easter worship service begins at 10:30am. No Sunday School -B.C. Grant Baptist Church, Alto (706) 778-5703.
Easter Breakfast: 8:00am Grace-Calvary Episcopal Church, Clarkesville 706-754-2451
Holy Eucharist: 9:00 & 11:00 a.m. Grace-Calvary Episcopal Church, Clarkesville 706-754-2451
Celebration Service: 10:55 a.m. – First Baptist Church 325 Oak St, Cornelia (706) 778-4412
Easter Communion: “Seek that which is above.” Easter Communion service. St. Thomas the Apostle Anglican Church, 1636 Mud Creek Road, Alto. (706) 894-2422.
Easter Worship Service: 8:30 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. – Habersham Central High School 2059 Old Hwy 197 S, Mt Airy (706) 778-7161 with Bethlehem Baptist Church 624 Highway 197 North Clarkesville 706.754.4870
Live Production: 9 a.m. & 11 a.m. Free Chapel 3001 McEver Road Gainesville (678) 677-8300
Easter Worship Service: 9:30 a.m. & 11 a.m. – The Torch The Torch 800 Cannon Bridge Rd, Demorest (706) 778-4063
Easter Service & Baptism: 11 a.m. The Gate 451 Roper Dr, Clarkesville (706) 839-1092; Party to follow with Easter Egg Hunt
Resurrection Cantata: 7-8 p.m. Shady Grove Baptist Church, Cornelia (706) 778-5045.