A pickup truck driver was arrested Wednesday evening after leading law enforcement on a chase through three Northeast Georgia counties. The suspect driver disabled two Georgia State Patrol vehicles during the pursuit, says GSP’s Courtney Floyd.
At 8:38 p.m. on July 27, Habersham County Dispatch asked troopers from Post 7 in Toccoa to assist in the pursuit of a Ford F450 that began in White County.
“Troopers responded to the area to assist and gained the primary position in the pursuit,” says Floyd. “As the pursuit continued, troopers attempted to box in the suspect vehicle. During the attempts, both patrol cars sustained disabling damage.”
The fleeing driver drove to a business at 1555 Calvary Church Road in Hall County and fled on foot to a nearby excavator machine. Law enforcement took him into custody.
The state patrol has not released the driver’s name: Floyd says he was not injured. No troopers or deputies were injured in the chase.