Don’t forget your furry friends

Cold weather is on the way. It is important that you remember your pets and livestock. The following guidelines will help you protect your animals.

  1. When temperatures drop below freezing, it’s time to invite your outdoor cats and dogs inside. Even if it is a warm spot in the garage. Make sure your companion animal has a place to sleep, off the floor and away from all drafts. A cozy dog or cat bed with a warm blanket or pillow is perfect.
  2. When you take your inside pooch out for “bathroom breaks,” stay with them. It is important to  wipe off their paws and underside, making certain there are no ice balls clinging between the toes or on the sole of the foot. They can cause frostbite to an animal that is left outside for a significant time in sub-zero temperatures.
  3. Also, your pet may ingest salt, antifreeze or other potentially dangerous chemicals while licking his paws, and his paw pads may also bleed from snow or encrusted ice.
  4.  Elderly, arthritic pets may become stiff and tender quickly and may find it difficult to move about in the snow or ice. Keep a close watch on them. A bad slip can cause a ruptured disc, broken leg or other major injury.
  5. For Horses and other livestock provide a windbreak, cover, warm bedding, and abundant high-quality feed. Cold weather alone won’t make healthy horses ill. When horses are exposed to soaking rains, snow and wind, they run the risk of catching pneumonia. Proper bedding should include a thick layer of straw or shavings. The open side of any livestock enclosure should face away from prevailing winds. Water, water, water! It should be heated or changed several times daily. A reduction in water intake and the resulting dehydration in horses can trigger colic.

Pets are our loving friends. Don’t forget to provide for them in the cold.