Reaction to Governor Nathan Deal’s decision to veto Georgia’s ‘religious liberty’ bill has been swift and divided. The bill, which was passed by the state legislature several weeks ago, would have allowed religious officials and faith-based organizations to deny jobs and services to groups and individuals if providing those jobs and services violated their religious beliefs.
READ: Gov. Deal to Veto ‘Religious Liberty’ Bill
Critics argued the bill would allow for discrimination against gays and lesbians. Supporters argued it was about protecting religious freedom.
“I was disappointed by not surprised by the governor’s decision.” ~ Rep. Terry Rogers
10th District State Representative Terry Rogers (R-Clarkesville) voted for House Bill 757. He says he was disappointed but not surprised by the governor’s decision. “I thought the bill was a good bill in that it met all the criteria that was expected,” says Rogers, “especially since, in large part, it mirrored federal law that has been in effect since 1993.”
READ: Gov. Deal Explains Reasons for Veto
Rogers says HB 757 was crafted with input from a broad spectrum of constituencies, including members of the LGBT community, and that specific language was placed in the bill to insure it was non-discriminatory. Despite the controversy surrounding the legislation, Rogers is not backing away from his support. “I voted for the bill and overwhelmingly people of my district have been positive about my vote.”
Override unlikely
While there have been political rumblings about pushing for an override of the governor’s veto, Rep. Rogers says he thinks “there’s very little chance” of that happening. “The original bill received 104 votes. To have a special session it would take 108 votes in the House. To override it would take 120 votes. The votes aren’t there.”
Despite the apparent lack of support for an override, Rogers expects the issue will be brought up again. “I’m absolutely positive that it will continue to be brought up and we’ll have to continue to work toward a solution that will be acceptable to everyone.”
No consensus on controversial bill
Finding that solution will be hard given the diverse public opinion surrounding the matter.
As soon as news of the veto hit, Now Habersham asked members of our Facebook community to share their opinions. Here’s what some of them said:
For more reaction and to share your opinion, visit https://www.facebook.com/nowhabersham/.
(featured photo/GA Voice)