If you’re eligible to get a vaccine and are looking for a place to get it, you might try your local health department.
District 2 Public Health oversees operations in 13 North Georgia counties. Officials say they have appointments available now for the COVID-19 vaccine.
“Recent shipments have given us enough vaccine to open up more appointments for residents,” says Director of Nursing Alan Satterfield. “We hope that residents who are eligible to be vaccinated will take this opportunity to make an appointment.”
According to District 2 Public Health Information Officer Dave Palmer, most of the region’s health departments are administering the Moderna vaccine. Hall and Forsyth counties are predominantly giving Pfizer.
“We order both vaccines and then use our allocated vaccine where it is needed,” says Palmer. “For our school clinics for teachers, we will be using the Johnson and Johnson.” School employees who prefer the two-dose vaccine may make an appointment at one of the District’s health departments.
Who’s eligible now?
On March 8, eligibility was expanded to include pre-K through 12 educators and staff of public and private schools, adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities and their caregivers, and parents of children with complex medical conditions.
To see if you are eligible to receive the vaccine, review the list below or visit https://dph.georgia.gov/.

Eligible residents may make appointments by phone at 1-888-426-5073 or online at www.phdistrict2.org. Residents may also contact their local health departments. For a directory, click here.