The Demorest City Council will discuss its land use ordinance and an automatic aid agreement with Habersham County during its council meeting Tuesday, October 1.
The council has been updating its land use ordinance for several months and has had a handful of public hearings to receive public comments. Tuesday will be no different. The council will hold another public hearing to receive public comments about the land use ordinance.
The city council will also consider extending the land use moratorium. The city has had a limited ban on new construction in the city for several months.
Automatic Aid
The council will consider a new fire service automatic aid agreement with Habersham County Emergency Services. In July, the council discussed the cost to the city for the medical first responder changes that the county was going to make.
In that discussion, the council and Fire Chief David Scheurer discussed the number of fire service calls Demorest Fire Department was responding to in the unincorporated area of Habersham County.
RELATED Demorest has concerns over medical first responder costs
City Manager Mark Musselwhite told the council during the July meeting that he and Scheurer would be meeting with county representatives that month to go over the fire service automatic aid agreement.
The Demorest City Council will meet Tuesday, October 1, for its work session and regular meeting. The work session will begin at 6 p.m. and the regular meeting will begin at 7 p.m. or immediately following the work session. Both meetings will take place in the Demorest Municipal Conference Room at 250 Alabama Street in Demorest.