Despite the rainy weather, trick-or-treaters braved the elements in the City of Demorest for an evening of family fun.
Infants, toddlers, kids and grownups enjoyed candy, s’mores, face painting, public safety vehicles and more at the annual trunk-or-treat event, hosted in Downtown Demorest.
“We were pleased with the turnout,” says Demorest City Manager Kim Simonds. “The weather broke just before the event began and it was a nice evening. People are happy to be out again and it seemed that both children and parents enjoyed the event. In spite of the bad weather earlier in the day, we deem the Trunk or Treat 2021 a success!”
Local businesses, groups and city departments, like Piedmont University, Sweet Breads, Temperance House, the City of Demorest Fire Department, and the Demorest Police Department stood under awnings and tents to stay dry while sharing treats and fun with kids.
There are plenty more Halloween events to look forward to, with Cornelia and Clarkesville’s downtown trick-or-treat events both happening Friday evening, October 29.