The Demorest City Council will hold a special called meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 10, to discuss appointing a permanent fire chief.
Demorest has been without a permanent fire chief since the unexpected resignation of Jonathan Knight in September. Assistant Fire Chief Jerry Palmer has been handling daily operations since that resignation.
According to City Manager Mark Musselwhite, five people applied for the position. The application and interview process reduced the field to two.
“We have a meeting Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. for me to make a recommendation to the Mayor and Council,” says Musselwhite.
Now Habersham requested from him the names of the two finalists. As of publication, Musselwhite had not responded to that request.
The council will also have the second reading of the water and sewer rate structure. The first reading was held last week at the council’s regular meeting. At that meeting, the council increased the budgeted rate increase from 14% to 18%.
Wednesday’s meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Jan. 10, at 5:30 p.m. in the Demorest Municipal Conference Center at 250 Alabama Street in Demorest.