Demorest passes budget, millage rate rollback

(Hadley Cottingham/Now Habersham)

After months of waiting for a budget and two public hearings, the City of Demorest has passed the 2022 budget and a millage rate rollback for the upcoming year six days before their deadline.

The Demorest City Council held a work session and budget public hearing on the night of Tuesday, Oct. 26. No one came to speak during the city’s Oct. 26 public hearing, and the council unanimously voted to approve the 2022 budget. The council passed their millage rate rollback at their Oct. 19 budget hearing.

View the City of Demorest 2022 budget here

Differences in this year’s budget include adding two new accounts, one for the Downtown Development Authority, one for SPLOST and a new line item for the Demorest Police Department’s contract with the Habersham Medical Center. These changes are for organizational purposes.

The overall budget estimates for just over $7.4 million in expenditures and revenue, including SPLOST funding. There are a few minor increases in pay for the mayor and council and city employees, as well as minor increases in the insurance and repairs budget.

The largest increase in budget expenditures is for paving and sidewalks, which has increased from a budget of approximately $3,000 to $10,000.

You can watch a recording of the meeting here.