The Demorest City Council will hold a special called public meeting this Wednesday to discuss updating its current land use ordinances.
City Manager Mark Musselwhite states that even though the council will be present, the meeting will be run by City Attorney Thomas Mitchell. The discussion will address new land use changes in the city. “We are hoping people will attend the meeting,” Musselwhite states. He adds that this will be the first discussion. The city intends to have at least one to two more meetings over the next few months.
Musselwhite hopes to wrap up any changes to the city’s land use ordinances by this summer.
Once any changes are approved by the council, the result will be an updated land use ordinance. The new ordinance may affect zoning in the city going forward.
The Demorest City Council will hold its special called meeting on Wednesday, March 27, at 6:00 p.m. It will meet in the Demorest Municipal Conference Center at 250 Alabama Street in Demorest. The public is encouraged to attend.