Demorest holds pinning ceremony for Chastain and Minutello

Demorest Police Chief Casey Chastain (center) is accompanied with his family after the pinning ceremony Tuesday night. (Jerry Neace/

Last Friday morning, Demorest Police Chief Casey Chastain and Assistant Police Chief James Minutello assumed their duties officially. On Tuesday night, the Demorest City Council held a pinning ceremony that included Chastain’s and Minutello’s families to celebrate their promotions and accomplishments.

The ceremony observed a time-honored tradition: their wives pinned the new badges on their uniforms in recognition of the family’s support for their profession.

SEE RELATED: A day of change in Demorest: Krockum departs, Chastain promoted

Chastain has been in law enforcement for the last 16 years. His wife Whitney has been along for the whole journey. This May, they will celebrate 18 years of marriage.

After the ceremony, Whitney Chastain shared her thoughts about her husband becoming Chief.

“I’m very excited and happy. He’s worked so hard for this. I’m glad to see the hard work has paid off,” she told Now Habersham.

Demorest Assistant Police Chief James Minutello (center) is accompanied by his family after the pinning ceremony Tuesday night. (Jerry Neace/

His wife, Hallie Minutello, pinned Minutello. He brings 18 years of law enforcement experience to the position for Demorest. His wife has been along for the whole journey as well. They have been married for 23 years. Hallie explains that prior to that, he was a volunteer firefighter.

After the ceremony, Hallie shared her thoughts about her husband becoming the Assistant Chief.

“It’s exciting. I’m glad he and Casey are going to be doing it together.” She adds, “It’s an adventure for us, and we’re going to take it.”

Several family members and friends attended the ceremony.

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