Pictured at left, Demorest City Manager Steve Lindsey presents a check to Debbe Bruster.
This Spring while developing the plans for the Glorious 4th Celebration in Demorest, organizers noticed that the group that in the past had manned a food vendor booth for charity were not among the applications for the current year. Councilman Donnie Bennett had an idea. Bennett, also a school counselor at South Habersham, talked to Debbe Bruster. Bruster, teaches in the self-contained classroom for Special Ed at South Hab. Bruster was stuggling with budget cuts and how to fund field trips for her classroom.
“She jumped at the opportunity. She had everyone, students, parents, staff and more manning the booth, selling hotdogs,” reported Bennett. Bennett thought she might raise a couple of hundred but when the final tally was presented by Demorest staff, Bennett was amazed. The total was $1,421. That should help fund some trips! Bruster said, “South Habersham and the self-contained classroom are the best.” We predict that Bruster’s work will become an annual fund-raiser at the Glorious 4th in Demorest.