Dear Fellow Holiday Souls,

A few years ago, I decided to relinquish my Crazy Christmas Queen crown. I even mentioned this idea in a column, and my husband (bless his heart) was relieved thinking his prayers were answered. They were not.

Christmas begins whirling in my head toward the end of July.  And, when the leaves start to turn brown, and the weather dips below 85 degrees, my Christmas fever rises, and it doesn’t drop until January 1.

Each New Year’s Day, my resolution is to give up the Christmas crown and grow up.  However, I haven’t reached the overblown grown-up status yet, nor have I lost those ten pounds I resolved to lose the same day.

This year, I have learned through some scientific Gendusa knowledge that being a certified long-standing Christmas Candy Cane Crazy Kid is due to a gene embedded in one’s spirit.  I was born with the ability to fail in mathematics but succeed in everything involving Santa, Baby Jesus, wreaths, toys, cookies, and gifts.

I was marked from birth with this capability, and to prove the theory, I was stamped with a birthmark on my left arm in the shape of a Christmas tree. I hate that it faded after so many years, but I’m glad Mama lived long enough to verify its existence to my children.

This year, my granddaughter, Avery, is a freshman in college. I suspected Avery was also assigned the Christmas gene, but until recently, I was still determining if it was a fact.

“I can’t wait to come to Atlanta for Thanksgiving, Grandma!” She excitedly exclaimed on the phone in October.  She continued, “Are you going to have the Christmas tree up and the house all decorated? I am past ready for the holidays filled with good food and family!”

Avery called again a few days later. “Grandma, would you read over an essay I wrote for my English class?”

“Sure, honey. Send it on!” I happily replied.

When I opened the emailed attachment, I laughed out loud.

“Do you Believe in Santa?”

Yes, she inherited the gene, and after I read her thesis, I thought, “Boy, are her future kids going to have fun!”

That is the beauty of the Christmas Crown. The spirit of Christmas brings pure joy to all around you.

Those of us who overdo the holidays and go a bit crazy are the ones who didn’t leave the kid in us at the North Pole or lost forever in maturity or age. We decided to hang on to the magic through our earthly days and share it with those we love.

None of my neighbors or friends are surprised that my tree was up and the house was decorated at the beginning of November. My husband (bless his heart) still attempts to lecture me on the dollars I spend and the overcooking I do. Nothing works because I am the official Queen of Christmas, complete with an official faded stamp, crown, and those inherited genes.

All good and perfect things began at Christmas. Jesus was born and given to us.  He taught us the meaning of giving, kindness, forgiveness, and love. His birth changed everything about living and dying. What is there not to celebrate?

What is there not to love about happiness and cheerfulness? There isn’t a soul in reader-land who doesn’t love a Christmas story or hearing about a miracle. It is good for us all to stop and enjoy the blessing of Christmas.

We look at the world and often wonder if hatred and war will triumph over peace and love.  We lose ourselves in the sorrow and desperation that surround us. Yet, because of Christmas, we are given the opportunity to renew our spirits and our faith.

I still believe in Santa. Yep, I never told my children any differently. The heart of Santa lies within us. We can still become the giver of gifts to children who need our joy. We can become what God intended us to be: the provider of hope for others.

If we replace our dread and despair with the glory of Christmas and share it, we have developed and distributed happiness.

So, the holidays are upon us. Santa arrives this week amid laughter and song. Pick up the child within you, take yourself into a Christmas wonderland, and provide joyous celebration wherever you roam.

You are worth it, and who among us couldn’t use a bit of magic?

The Crazy Christmas Queen


Lynn Walker Gendusa is more than just The Crazy Christmas Queen; she’s a wife and mother, grandmother, retired interior designer, Georgia author, and columnist. Her work appears in publications across the United States. Her latest book is “Southern Comfort: Stories of Family, Friendship, Fiery Trials, and Faith.” Lynn can be reached at

For more of her inspirational stories, click here.

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