Gov. Nathan Deal today announced additional funding for education that will fully fund Georgia’s Quality Basic Education Act (QBE).
QBE was passed in 1985 under then governor Joe Frank Harris. The QBE funding formula was designed to insure a basic, quality education through the allocation of state and local funds.
Gov. Deal says next year’s projected state revenue has increased by $194 million. The FY 2019 state revenue estimate is now $26.2 billion. As a result, Deal is allocating an additional $167 million to K-12 education.
The governor says the additional funds will ensure the state is fully funding the QBE funding formula and providing local school systems with 100 percent of the state’s share in financing for local schools.
“Georgia’s strong economic growth in recent years has allowed us to invest heavily in education, transportation, public safety and health care,” says Deal.
The increase brings next year’s state education budget to $9.6 billion. Deal says this investment will give local school systems the opportunity to provide the programs necessary to improve struggling schools and enhance student performance.
“During my time as governor, I have consistently heard from educators who have cited a lack of funding as a barrier to achieving success in their classroom. This additional $167 million will ensure the state is fully doing its financial part to address their concerns. Finally, fully funding QBE provides a stronger foundation to lawmakers and stakeholders to reform this outdated formula to accommodate the needs of today’s students and 21st century classrooms.”
In addition, Deal announced allocation of $100 million in bonds for transit funding. The funding will go into effect pending passage of a transportation bill.
Read the FY19 budget amendment letter here.