We are in the final days…the count down has begun…pencils are sharpened, backpacks are packed, uniforms are pressed…it is here!
The past few days I’ve been in and out of school buildings for various reasons and my heart skips a beat every time I get nervous just from walking the halls or glancing into a classroom or just the scent of the whole “learning” atmosphere. I can only imagine how our children must feel.
From a mom of 6 who has “done it all” in the education realm – from first day of school in the public school arena, first day of school in the private school arena, and first day of school in the home school arena, here are some helpful tips to start the year off right:
- Start with God time. Sometimes it may be in route to school or at the breakfast table, but make it a priority to start your child’s morning with prayer. Help them to learn now that by acknowledging Who is in charge of their day, it will instill confidence, compassion, and joy in each new day.
- Keep your family strong. Morning outbursts of stress and anxiety strain the daily threads of your family chord. Don’t let it happen. Approach each morning in a loving, patient manner.
- Get organized. Put clothes out the night before. If you are home schooling, prepare daily lessons on a weekly/monthly basis. Lunches should be made the night before. Morning should be about simply praying, eating, dressing, going. It will be a blessing for everyone in your household.
- Don’t overextend yourself OR YOUR CHILDREN. Keep the activities to a manageable level. You are not a bad parent if little Johnny does not play every sport, every instrument, and attend every club plus make straight A’s and is the most popular cat in the building. Choose wisely how you and your child participate in extra-curricular activities.
- Be the Cheerleader. As parent, recognize your child. Emphasize how beautiful she is. Tell him how important he is to you and the world. The culture out there tells them so many negative things. Make the culture of your home positive, safe, and accepting. When times are rough, make sure your child knows, life has seasons. It won’t always be this difficult. Love them through it. Resist words which make your child feel inferior. Remember it is an unacceptable behavior – not an unacceptable child.
I pray your first day – and every day – goes well for your children. On an aside, there will be days that go south fast. It happens. When the morning is a bust, take the time to acknowledge tomorrow will be better. Tell your child, “We’ll do it better tomorrow – I love you!”