Sawyer Brown’s concert in Cornelia last weekend was a success, and now the city is gearing up for its next big outdoor event, trick-or-treating.
Drone photos of last weekend’s concert released by the city on Thursday show a crowd of hundreds stretched across the South Main Street venue. The country music band performed as part of Cornelia’s free outdoor concert series. Sawyer Brown was originally scheduled to play last October but that was postponed for a year due to COVID.
With a strong turnout and great business reported by vendors, organizers say they are pleased.
“The concert went [amazingly],” says City of Cornelia Tourism Coordinator Lindsey Fitzgerald. “We had such a great turnout from not only local residents but from others in surrounding counties, which is exciting to see others enjoying our community as much as we do.”
It’s been a busy fall season in Habersham’s most populous town. Cornelia hosted its biggest ever Big Red Apple Festival on September 25, followed by the Sawyer Brown concert and soon, Halloween. The next big public event in Cornelia is Downtown Trick or Treat scheduled from 3-6 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 29.
“Our main goal for these events [is] to allow people to enjoy our downtown area, to bring people together, and to have fun,” says Fitzgerald.
These events are also good for business. By drawing people into the downtown district, the city helps support local restaurants and shops.
Cornelia has attracted much attention over the past year with the continued development of its new downtown entertainment district. Improvements led the Georgia Downtown Association to award the city its highest honor: Outstanding Community Transformation and Downtown of the Year.