Cornelia juvenile arrested after alleged violent domestic dispute

The incident occurred at the Lee Street apartments late Tuesday night, August 1, 2023. (

Authorities took a Cornelia boy into custody late Tuesday night after he allegedly threatened to stab someone in his home with a hunting arrow. The boy, who was reported to be in his teens, fled the scene, prompting a brief search by law enforcement.

The complainant told police the boy became aggressive when he discovered items were removed from his room as a punishment.

“The juvenile became violent and a physical altercation ensued,” says Cornelia Police Chief Jonathan Roberts in a press release.

During the altercation, Roberts says the boy was able to get his hands on a hunting arrow with a “field tip” point.


“Using this arrow, the juvenile attempted to stab the complainant while demanding money for the items removed from his room,” the release states.

The person who was threatened managed to wrestle the arrow away from the boy, who then fled.

Habersham County E-911 dispatched officers to the scene at the Lee Street apartments around 9:30 p.m. on August 1.

Personnel from the Cornelia Police Department, Habersham County Sheriff’s Office and Cornelia Fire Department set up a command post and began searching for the juvenile. They found him a short time later and arrested him.

Officers transported the boy to a juvenile detention center and released him into the custody of the Department of Juvenile Justice.

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