Businesses encouraged to compete for coveted ‘Bedeck Your Business’ trophy
Cornelia is again looking for the best and brightest business holiday decorations within its city limits this year.
Last year, Natalie Jane’s Restaurant captured the judges’ hearts with hand painted windows by local artist Sara Samsel. Higgins Construction decorated all its downtown properties, earning it an honorable mention. Campbell & Campbell also earned an honorable mention for its decorations.
Cornelia Main Street Manager Jessie Owensby invites all businesses inside Cornelia city limits to show off their trimmings and possibly win the gift basket, worth $100, and the coveted “Bedeck Your Business” trophy that the winning business will get to display until next year.
Runners up will receive four free tickets for ice skating and four free tickets for hayrides through the lights at the upcoming “Christmas in the Park.”
To enter the competition, take a picture of your fabulously festooned storefront and email it, along with the physical address and your contact information, to [email protected]. Entries may also be submitted via Facebook and Instagram by tagging your photo @CorneliaMainStreet or you may hand-deliver your photo and contact information to Cornelia City Hall at 181 Larkin Street. If hand delivered, write Holiday Decorating Contest on the outside of the envelope.
The deadline to enter is noon on Thursday, December 15th. Winners will be announced Friday, December 16th .
For more information, call Cornelia City Hall 706 778 8585 or visit www.corneliageorgia.org