Cornelia Commission puts brakes on speeders – again

Last month, the Cornelia City Commission voted to place a speed bump on a busy street in the area called Tower Mountain. On Tuesday night, in this month’s meeting, the commissioners targeted another problem area. They voted this time to place a speed bump near the intersection of Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive and Tutt Road. The commissioners heard from several residents of that area that speeding traffic was a significant problem there.

After a unanimous vote to place the new speed bump, commissioners and the public heard from City Attorney Steve Campbell that the city has in place an ordinance spelling out the procedure to follow when citizens have concerns about speeding in a particular area in Cornelia. The ordinance tells how to report the problem to the commissioners, and then says that the city will put “counters” out to monitor the amount and type of traffic in that area. Then a public hearing, like the one Tuesday night, is held to allow individuals an opportunity to speak. A vote by the commissioners could be taken after the public hearing.

As a service to the residents of Cornelia, it was announced in Tuesday’s meeting that the ordinance will be publicly displayed for one month for people to read it. It will be posted on the wall of City Hall, with other public notices. It will remain there until the next City Commission meeting, the first Tuesday of September.