The City of Cornelia Board of Commissioners unanimously approved amendments to the city’s alcohol ordinance and their 2022 budget at their Monday night special called meeting.
The Cornelia Commission posted the amendments to the city’s alcohol sales ordinance following their Dec. 7 meeting. The amendments allow for the package sale of distilled spirits after citizens voted to allow liquor sales in the Nov. 2 election.
No citizens commented on the amendments.
According to the ordinance, liquor stores in Cornelia will be limited to setting up shop along the city’s highway business district, away from Downtown Cornelia and the historic district. The city will not allow liquor stores to open within 500 yards of any other business selling alcohol, and per state laws, cannot exist within 100 yards of a church, 100 yards of an alcohol treatment center and 200 yards of a school.
The City of Cornelia’s $19.56 million 2022 budget also did not receive any citizen comments before it was passed.
Click here to view the Cornelia 2022 budget
According to City Manager Dee Anderson, the budget includes a 5 percent cost of living raise for all employees and a 5 percent increase in sanitation fees and water and sewer fees. Anderson says the last time those fees were increased was in 2019.
The commission will meet for their next regularly scheduled meeting at 6 p.m. on Jan. 10, 2022. To watch a recording of Monday’s special called meeting, click here.