Once again our monthly Green Thumb Gardening contest found entrants showing off their green thumbs and some happy hanging baskets.
Add another for our winner, Angelia Sims, who not only displays some beautiful flowering baskets but she does it with her own unique style. Notice the arbor. Angelia and her son-in-law built it using two old doors. Crafty way to show off hanging baskets if you ask us.
“I am so excited to win the contest because I love gardening so much. It brings me serenity.”
Plus, even if we do say so, she sure has a cute helper. Her three year old grandson, Cohen, drug out his watering can recently when Angelia was transplanting hostas.
Thanks again to Lowe’s of Cornelia for sponsoring our monthly gardening contest and supplying Angelia with a hanging basket to add to her collection.
Don’t forget our contest at the end of September to find out what we’ll be giving away heading in to fall.
By the way, if Cohen is available this Saturday, we have a few gardening projects we could use a hand with.