Constitution Day observance planned in Cornelia

Constitution Day is just around the corner and The Mountain Judicial Circuit Bar Association has planned a special event to mark the occasion.

MJCBA will host its second annual live, public reading of the Constitution on Friday, September 16th at 12 noon at the Big Red Apple in downtown Cornelia. Residents of Habersham, Rabun and Stephens Counties are encouraged to attend.

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Association President Tricia Hise says the document will be read in its entirety from the Preamble to the last ratified amendment. She says the purpose of the event is “to pause and reflect upon the magnitude and significance of the signing of the U.S. Constitution on September 17, 1787,” and to educate the public and students about the supreme law of the land. “The words of the Constitution are powerful, deliberate and moving,” Hise says.

WATCH: To learn more about the history of the U.S. Constitution

For more information, visit the Mountain Judicial Circuit Bar Association’s Facebook page at