Congrats, Top Cats!

Pictured, left to right, are North Habersham Middle School Assistant Principal Dr. Renee Crandall, Paula Kimbrell, Ryder Cook, Emilee Lance, Kieran McGarvey, Katie Church, Blair McEntyre, Callie Cueva, and Principal Dr. Adam Bagwell. Not pictured: Michael Jones and Louisa Pritchett. (photo submitted)

North Habersham Middle School chose seven students as Top Cats in August for displaying the best qualities in the student body.

These Bobcats are hard-working, respectful, kind, and generous. Top Cats make North Habersham a better school with their positive, generous attitudes, school officials say.

The August 2021 NHMS Top Cats are Paula Kimbrell, Ryder Cook, Emilee Lance, Kieran McGarvey, Katie Church, Blair McEntyre, Callie Cueva.
