Confederate names being removed from national Ranger monument

The National Ranger Foundation has asked Congress to intervene and restore four Confederate soldier's names to the National Ranger monument at Fort Moore in Columbus, GA. (photo courtesy National Ranger Foundation/Facebook)

The names of four Confederate soldiers are no longer visible on a monument to U.S. Army Rangers at Fort Moore. Army officials confirmed the names have been obscured as they work to remove them completely. The actions are part of the law this year that also changed the Installation’s name from Fort Benning to Fort Moore.

National Ranger Memorial Foundation chairman Joseph Stringam objects to what he calls the monument’s defacement.

“The Ranger Memorial is a Ranger monument. It is not a Confederate monument. It has been privately owned and supported by Rangers, past, present and hopefully future.”

(photo courtesy National Ranger Foundation/Facebook)

In a statement, Army officials say the foundation gifted the monument to the Army in 1993. Stringam sent a letter signed by more than 100 retired Rangers to U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, asking Republican leaders to reverse the removal.

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