Community helps HCHS girls doll up for prom

HCHS students check out their options in the Prom Closet alongside one of their teachers. (Hadley Cottingham/Now Habersham)

Spring is an exciting time for Habersham Central High School’s upperclassmen. For some, graduation is on the horizon, for others, it’s looking forward to summer break. But nearly every student is looking forward to one exciting event some gear up for all year: prom.

For some HCHS students, though, purchasing a $50 prom ticket is a struggle, and the expense of a dress on top of that ticket isn’t financially possible. Some girls skip out on their prom because they just can’t afford it– something that Donna Barrett, Habersham County Family Connection Executive Director, says shouldn’t be the case.

Barrett was a teacher before she became the executive director for HCFC. She says that during that time, she’s seen prom become a much more expensive endeavor that some low-income students have a hard time being part of. Going to prom, she says, is a teenage “rite of passage.”

“When I’ve gone to chaperone prom,  the students are coming up and they just look beautiful– it’s their night to shine,” Barrett said. “I guess you would say it’s a rite of passage for high school, like homecoming, prom, graduation, and [I don’t want] to let the expense of that supersede a student being able to participate.”

Barrett says that every dress in the Prom Closet has been donated, and they’re all new with tags, or like-new. (Hadley Cottingham/Now Habersham)

The Habersham Central High School Prom Closet, located at the Habersham Ninth Grade Academy, is stocked with donated dresses, shoes and jewelry. Everything in the closet is new or like-new so that the HCFC can make sure every high school girl gets to arrive at her prom in style.

“I have been just amazed by the donations that we have had,” Barrett said. Those donations started with a closed-down bridal store in 2018, and have been sustained by people who want to help the cause.

She says the students are appreciative to have the opportunity to own something nice that they feel beautiful in. The cause is about letting teenagers have memorable teenage experiences, regardless of the financial struggles they might be facing.

The Prom Closet is filled with an array of dresses, both long and short, classic and contemporary, with plenty of different sizes and colors so girls can find their perfect dress. (Hadley Cottingham/Now Habersham)

For some students, purchasing a ticket isn’t even an option. But Barrett and HCHS’s teachers, as well as some community members, pitch in to help those students afford to attend their prom.

“I’m thankful for the donations, we’re able to meet the need,” Barrett says. “It’s just amazing.”

If you’d like to chip in, either to help purchase tickets, or donate new or like-new prom dresses and/or shoes, reach out to Donna Barrett at [email protected].

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