Habersham Board of Commissioners gave the okay to increase the budget for the Recreation Department’s gymnastics program during the scheduled monthly meeting, Monday night.
Kurt Cooper, director of the county-funded recreation program, explained the necessity for continuing the lease agreement at the Old Clarkesville Mill gymnastics facility. Cooper compared funding of Habersham’s program to other county sponsored gymnastics programs and demonstrated the need for additional equipment, as well. The proposed increase for equipment was $27,000, and a request for $24,800, was made for lease and utilities. Both requests were approved, but Commissioner Andrea Harper, District 2, voted “opposed,” stating she did not want to appear, to not support motivated youngsters, but explained the County can not fund every activity that comes along.
The program provides gymnastics training for 280 young Habersham children, age 3-18. The Habersham gymnastics competition team has 45 members, ages 6-15, that compete throughout North Georgia.
“If I have a chance to expand the facility, to help local kids, I have to help advance that opportunity for them,” Cooper told Now Habersham, following the meeting. Cooper went on to add, “Gymnastics provides an opportunity that other programs can not offer. Not every child is talented in ball (football, basketball, baseball, or soccer) sports. In gymnastics, youngsters can start earlier and develop self-discipline, physical development like eye-hand coordination and self-achievement.”
In other action, the Board approved a revised operating agreement with Habersham County Hospital Authority for ambulance service. The new agreement reconfigured reimbursement procedures between the two entities.
The Board also welcomed the new Habersham County Director of Human Resources, Vinitha Robinson, who addressed the Board and attendees, briefly.