Says election and speech were about forgotten Americans
(WASHINGTON) – Congressman Doug Collins (R-Ga.) attended President Donald Trump’s first address to Congress on February 28 and issued the following statement in response:
“This evening, President Trump highlighted America’s forgotten men and women, the people who have felt strangely exempted from the promises of the American dream. Too many of our countrymen have watched their industries, schools, and communities wither under policies engineered by an administration that chronically underestimated our people.
“At their core, the November elections were decided by the Americans whom government forgot. Our nation renewed its conservative leadership in Congress and chose a president who would work with legislators rather than against them and against American citizens. Then and now, President Trump has reminded us that we cannot discount the Americans who have built up our economy only to have their own incomes siphoned off by taxes that target the middle class and by regulations that stamp out creativity.
“The 115th Congress joins the president in remembering individuals who have lost their access to tangible health care or jobs or basic liberties or all of the above, and we are responding both in word and deed. The House and Senate are writing, passing, and sending legislation to the White House as our people exchange a president who patronized them for a unified government that is working to empower them to write their own American stories.”