The City of Cleveland is going to be examining its zoning ordinances.
During Monday night’s council meeting, Director of Economic Development and Planning Tom O’Bryant told council members, “Our city zoning ordinance as it is, is in current need of an overhaul. I don’t have to describe the type of growth we are seeing and the type of growth we are anticipating.”
O’Bryant said the current land use language and concept was developed in 1970 and has been amended over the years, but a lot of the language is broad and vague.
According to O’Bryant, over time, land use ordinances have been litigated where they need to be more specific and detailed.
The city’s ordinances don’t take into consideration new technology and home-based businesses and this is another reason to look at it.
He told the council that the staff would like to work with the Planning and Design Board to develop an initial draft and to work to solicit public input.
“We need to be prepared to accommodate the type of proposed growth we’re going to see,” said O’Bryant.
Following his presentation, the council okayed proceeding with the work.
The city planning commission is set to meet later this month and O’Bryant said they will begin work on this item.