Cleveland homeowners and businesses could see a drop in their property insurance rates due to an improved ISO rating. The Insurance Services Office says the city’s Public Protection Classification (PPC) has improved from a 4/4 to a 3/3X.
The new rating puts Cleveland as one of only 3,583 departments in the country with a Class 3 rating.
“We have a dedicated group of firefighters that work hard each and every day for our community and our service area,” says Cleveland Fire Chief Ricky Pruitt. “The ISO 3/3x class rating is a reflection of that commitment.”
The lower the better
ISO creates ratings for fire departments and their surrounding communities. An ISO fire rating, or PPC score, is a score that ranges from 1 to 10 and indicates how well-protected the community is by the fire department. A lower number on the ISO rating scale is better: 1 is the best possible rating, while a 10 means the fire department did not meet ISO’s minimum requirements.
Cleveland Mayor Josh Turner hailed the new rating as a “wonderful accomplishment” that directly reflects the strong work of the entire city staff and the city council’s vision.
“The newest rating places our city in the top 15% of communities out of almost 40,000 communities nationwide. In short, these rating improvements validate that our local firefighters are doing a great job and homeowners are getting a solid return on their investment,” says Turner.
ISO ratings play a significant role in the underwriting process at insurance companies, with most U.S. insurers of homes and business properties using the rating to calculate premiums. The price of fire insurance in a community with a lower ISO rating is generally lower than in a community with a poor rating.
The new classification is based on a rigorous review of community factors, not just the fire department. The review includes the internal department equipment, staffing, training, and proximity of the firehouse. It also includes emergency communications systems (911), water supply, and building code enforcement.
The new rating takes effect on August first.