(Cleveland)- The Cleveland City Council gave their approval of the Fiscal Year 2022 budget Monday night following a second public hearing on the issue at the Cleveland Community Center.
The 6-point 6-million dollar budget calls for a 4.07 percent or $260, 006 increase from last year’s figures, but a welcomed increase in such areas as the Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax help make up the difference. City Administrator Tom O’Bryant told the council, “ the good thing is we didn’t have to use any fund reserve or anything like that,” to meet the budget.
The city will see a higher amount from sales tax because of the new SPLOST in effect with the city receiving a larger percentage compared to prior years. Also, sales taxes have increased as a result of more internet sales.
A large percentage of the increase will be earmarked for the planned sewer plant upgrade and new city hall complex. The biggest contributing factor for increases in the budget were increases in insurance rates and required computer software updates.