Pack up your kids, your swimsuits and smiles and head on out to Clarkesville this Friday for the city’s water-themed family fun night, Downtown Splashdown!
Clarkesville Main Street Manager Mary Beth Horton invites you to come cool off in the fire hydrant sprinkler, take a trip down the Roarin’ Rainforest waterslide or bounce in the “Wet House.”
All water activities are FREE!
Hey, and don’t forget to bring your appetite. The Clarkesville Fire Department will be serving hot dogs. There will also be cotton candy, lemonade and other concessions. Prices will vary, so bring some cash.
Activities will center around the Clarkesville gazebo and old courthouse parking lot, but don’t limit your fun there. It’s a Clarkesville Friday Night Live event and some restaurants will be offering specials. Several businesses are extending their store hours, too.
Downtown Splashdown! is scheduled to run from 6-8 p.m. Friday, August 21st.
For more information click here to visit the City of Clarkesville Facebook page or visit the city’s website at www.clarkesvilllega.com.
Pictured: Griffin Palmer, son of Tabetha and Jerry Palmer