Clarkesville police say they’ve made contact with a woman who was seen being carried from Pitts Park this morning and “she is okay.”
“We made contact with the female in question and verified that she is okay. The female became sick in the park and was being carried out,” says Clarkesville Police Chief Brad Barrett.
Barrett asked for the public’s help to locate the woman after a witness phoned police around 11:15 Tuesday morning to report suspicious activity. She said she saw two men carrying an apparently unconscious woman from the park and place her in the backseat of a car. The car and two other vehicles with people believed to be associated with the incident then left the park.
Police were trying to find her to make sure she was alright.
Barrett said at the time there were no missing person reports and no one matching the woman’s description had visited the local hospital emergency room, so, authorities were concerned.
Social media posts about the incident with police asking for help were shared hundreds of times. Now Habersham readers helped police solve the case.
“Shortly after Now Habersham posted this story, we received a call from the female in question and others,” says Barrett. “Officers responded to the residence of the caller and did verify that she was indeed the female from the video, and confirmed that her welfare was satisfactory.”
“I would like to express my gratitude to the caller for reporting this activity and to the public for such a quick response. It is always best to err on the side of caution in any situation that could have implications of this magnitude.”