It’s been three years in the making. This evening, the City of Clarkesville will celebrate the completion of its downtown rebuilding project.
Much of the east side of the downtown square burned in a fire back in March 2014. In March 2016, the city launched its rebuilding project. The project included demolition of one of the fire-damaged buildings and construction of a plaza in its place.
Tonight, the new Clarkesville Plaza will be unveiled and the rebuilt buildings will officially be revealed during a ribbon cutting and dedication ceremony.
Mayor Barrie Aycock says she and other members of the Clarkesville City Council are glad this day is here. “We are all thrilled with the buildings and I think everyone in Clarkesville will be as well,” says Aycock. “They are even more handsome than I ever dreamed they would be. It is an exciting day for Clarkesville!”
Tonight’s ceremony begins at 5:30 p.m. in front of the newly constructed east square. The public is invited to attend.