On Jan. 28, the Clarke County Board of Education held their second public hearing to allow the community to voice their opinions on whether to opt out of the state legislation.
After the presentation and questions from the board members, people from the community [spoke within a three-minute time limit to] expressed their opinions and concerns about the bill and how it could affect them.
Claire Suggs, a Clarke County taxpayer and CCSD parent, spoke in front of the board expressing why she believes the school district should opt out of House Bill 581.
“We do not know what lies ahead if you do not opt out of House Bill 581 you will constrain your ability and the ability of future boards to adapt to unforeseen financial challenges,” said Suggs.
JD White, a 30-year resident of Athens Clarke County, explained her reasoning why the Board of Education should oppose opting out of the legislation.
“I have seen the rise of property taxes, and I know as a retiree that our retiree benefit and our social security does not quite keep up with the inflation that we have experienced in the last few years,” said White
A board meeting will be held on Feb. 13, at 7 p.m. where a decision will be made whether to opt out of the legislation.
This article comes to Now Habersham in partnership with WUGA News