It’s one of my favorites. The Dr. Seuss classic of the green, angry, “once Whovillian” who lives on the outskirts of town. People fear him. He is the reason for nightmares in young children. He is the Grinch and in this particular Christmas story, he steals Christmas.
I thought of him yesterday as I stood in line to purchase yet another Christmas gift. I thought of all the years I’ve stood in line waiting to purchase yet another Christmas gift. Looking at the people around me, some with children, some without; some in professional clothing, some in work-out clothes, one in pajama pants; I wanted to take a poll. I wanted to know what would happen, if on Christmas Eve, while we were all sleeping, the Grinch slithered down our chimneys and took it all.
” ‘These stockings,’ he grinned, ‘are the first things to go!’ Then he slithered and slunk, with a smile most unpleasant, Around the whole room, and he took every present!Pop guns! And bicycles! Roller skates! Drums!Checkerboards! Tricycles! Popcorn! And plums! And he stuffed them in bags. Then the Grinch, very nimbly, Stuffed all the bags, one by one, up the chimney! Then he slunk to the icebox. He took the Whos’ feast! He took the Who-pudding! He took the roast beast! He cleaned out that icebox as quick as a flash. Why, that Grinch even took their last can of Who-hash!”
What would we do?
As most of you know the classic tale, the Grinch believes by stealing Christmas, the Who’s in Whoville will all be weeping and crying because there are no presents or plum-pudding. He believes if he takes all the stuff, the songs will cease; the laughter will not be heard; and the Spirit of Christmas will vanish, forever. But…he was surprised.
“So he paused. And the Grinch put his hand to his ear. And he did hear a sound rising over the snow. It started in low. Then it started to grow. But the sound wasn’t sad! Why, this sound sounded merry! It couldn’t be so! But it WAS merry! VERY! He stared down at Whoville! The Grinch popped his eyes! Then he shook! What he saw was a shocking surprise! Every Who down in Whoville, the tall and the small, Was singing! Without any presents at all!”
Could we, should we, be so bold? Would my household be as Dr. Seuss told? With joy in our hearts, celebrate and sing, if Christmas morning, Santa had nothing to bring? The melodious rhyme rang through my mind as the very next person stepped up in line. Would we know what to do, just as the Who’s, if the Grinch took our Christmas away too? My heart started pounding, my feet began to bounce, if all were taken, our world was shaken, could we rejoice just in knowing, the day has always been simply about Him.
Maybe we all have a little Grinch inside of us and a little bit of Who, too.
Stop to remember why we hang the lights, bake the bread and cookies, wrap the gifts, and sing. Remember the reason it all happens and rejoice.
“It came with out ribbons! It came without tags!”
“It came without packages, boxes or bags!”
And he puzzled three hours, till his puzzler was sore.
Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn’t before!
“Maybe Christmas,” he thought, “doesn’t come from a store.”
“Maybe Christmas…perhaps…means a little bit more!” – Dr. Seuss