Ephesians 6:11, “Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.”
When I wake up in the morning, I’m like a bird. Always have been – chirping, chirping, chirping. I love the morning. I love getting out of bed and starting the day.
Yesterday on my way in to work, a driver nearly ran me off the road. I think he was texting. I spilt my hot tea all down the front of my shirt, and due to time, I couldn’t turn around and go back home to change. I had to stop for a quick errand and the cashier asked me if I were breast feeding.
“No! Why?”
“It looks like you are with your shirt wet and all,” she said, shrugging her shoulders.
And the day progressed in similar like mode, challenging my chirpiness.
But there is something that I know…
The enemy of our soul would like nothing more than to interfere in our day; to cause turmoil and strife; to make us doubt who we are and Who God is. That is why in Ephesians, Paul wants us to “not leave home without the essentials.” He wants us to “put on the FULL armor of God” so that we can stand toe-to-toe with Satan’s tactics.
Guard your words and guard your heart. Never let Satan take away your joy, for it comes from the Lord.
What do I do when he starts messing with my day?
I simply chirp a little louder.