Candidates for the US Congress, 9th Congressional District, are Paul Broun, Doug Collins (the incumbent), Roger Fitzpatrick, Bernie Fontaine, and Mike Scupin. The responsibilities of a US Congress member is: to represent the people in the district from which they are elected – for a two-year term – serving the people of that local congressional district. Among other duties, representatives introduce bills and resolutions, offer amendments and serve on committees.
Paul Broun is medical doctor and a graduate of Medical College of Georgia. He was a medical officer in the US Navy, and served in Afghanistan. He was elected to the US House in 2007 in a special election, and re-elected in 2008, 2010, and 2012. He is a former member of the Foundation Board of St. Mary’s Hospital in Athens and the hospital Long-range Planning Committee. He is also a Life Member of the NRA, and Past President of Georgia Sport Shooters Association. He describes himself as a strong constitutional conservative, and introduced more spending cuts than any other Congress member during his sessions.
Doug Collins is the incumbent in the race for the 9th Congressional District. He was not able to attend any of the video-taped sessions sponsored by Now Habersham, but the following information was taken from his campaign website: Doug Collins grew up in Hall County, where he learned about public service from his dad, as State trooper. As a U.S. Congressman representing Georgia’s 9th District, Doug introduced a resolution urging the Obama administration to stop infringing on religious liberty. He is a member of the House Committee on the Judiciary and is Vice-Chair of its Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property and the Internet. As a member of the House Committee on Rules, he also helps to manage House legislation that comes to the House floor.
Roger Fitzpatrick was born and raised in Cleveland, Georgia. He joined the United States Marine Corps after high school and served in the Marine Corps Reserves for 9 years. He has been a teacher and a school administrator for 32 years. He was elected to the White County Board of Education in 2014, Roger is passionate about leading this country back to the founding principles that made it great. He loves studying the Constitution and would be honored to represent the 9th District of Georgia in Congress. Roger proposes a 10-year limit on members of the House of Representatives. He supports eliminating the IRS as we know it today and implementing the Fair Tax, so that those of us who are productive and own property aren’t disproportionately penalized by our system of taxation.
Bernie Fontaine is a Vietnam Veteran and has a Master’s in Public Administration and is current candidate for a doctoral candidate in Political Science. He retire as a Brigadier General with the Georgia National Guard. As a project (construction) leader he saved millions of public tax dollars. He feels we must stop politician’s use of such devices as Political Action Committees to fund elections. He goes on to suggest we must break the cycle of corruption or our government will continue to deteriorate. Term Limits is definitely a part of the solution, Bernie has promoted, adding, only career politicians are against it. Our government is supposed to be a government of the people, by the people and for the people, Bernie believes. He supports ending the IRS as we know it.
Mike Scupin is a native of Gainesville, Georgia native. He has a degree in architecture, a BBA from North Georgia College and a Masters in Technology. His career includes being a land surveyor, a small business owner and additional work in supporting small business development. He is concerned about governmental regulations that make owning businesses difficult. He supports private homeowners generating their own solar power and selling it back to the electric companies in Georgia. Mike feels illegal immigration is an important issue in Georgia and feels the flow of illegal immigration needs to be stopped before addressing immigration changes for those not documented already in the US.
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