Candidates for Clerk of Superior Court are Joan Jones and David Wall, the incumbent. The office of Clerk of Superior Court is responsible for: keeping official records (inluding those related to real estate and personal property in the County), to file and maintain criminal and civil dockets as well as domestic suits, to attend to the needs of the court in performance of the duties of the clerk, and perform other information management functions of the judicial systems as required by Georgia law.
Joan Jones has had 27 years of clerk experience in Juvinile, Magistrate, State and Superior Courts in Habersham County. She says her positive relationship with county residents, her peers in county government make her the best candidate forClerk of Superior Court. She says she will not personally profit by accepting fees for the processing of passports in the ofice. Joan says she will not needlessly issue subpoenas, which she feels sometimes wastes law enforcement availability on the streets and also encourages needless overtime pay for law enforcement in the county.
David Wall is the incumbent for Clerk of Superior Court, having been in that office for 12 years. He has been instrumental in coverting paper maps and documentation of real estate transactions and ownership to digital formats, accessedby computer. He has guided the project which covers the last 24 years of real estate records. He says the last 50 years of real estate records have been scanned and are now being indexed. He is a life long resident of Habersham County and a member of Cornelia Kiwanis Club for 24 years. He hasbeen a team member of other community organizations that have raised funds for scholarships and other community needs.
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