Board of Education District 1 candidates are Don Corbett, the incumbent, and Doug Westmoreland. The duties of Board of Education members include establishing the local budget, developing local school policy, and hiring and providing an annual review of the Superintendent of Schools.
Don Corbett is the current chairperson for the Habersham BoardofEducation, elected in 2012. Mr. Corbett has maintained that The Habersham Board of Educationshould be balanced, and that having four Boardmembers who are all former educators does not bring other decision making voices tothe table. Don is a General Contractor and former realtor. Don’s wife is a teacher and his sone is a graduating senior. Don Corbett is a 2009 graduate from the Walker School of Business at Piedmont College. Don favors zero based budgeting and competitive bidding for projects.
Doug Westmoreland is a former Habersham High School coach and educator and former state director for Gerogia’s high school Key Clubs. Doug feels that his 31 years experience in Habersham schools have prepared him as a possible Board of Education member. He feels local citizens trust and believe he will do what he sets out to do. He has raised two children in Habersham schools. Doug supports the best interest of students when it comes to scheduling in block versus 7 period school days.
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