Construction crews are extending cable barriers along GA 365 in Habersham County. They’re currently working in the median between Duncan Bridge and Level Grove Roads on the south end of the county.
“This is an active work zone and as such speeding penalties and fines increase,” the Habersham County Sheriff’s Office warns. “As much as 1 mph over in a work zone can get you pulled over.”
The three-strand cable barrier system is being installed in the grass median to enhance safety, according to the Georgia Department of Transportation.
Cornelia-based Higgins Construction Co. won the contract for the $1.5 million project. The project will extend the barriers from Hall into Habersham County ensuring “the latest safety barrier equipment is present down the entire corridor,” GDOT says.
Cable barriers are softer than guardrails, resulting in less impact force and redirection, experts say. They are also more adaptable to slopes typically found in medians and can be installed through less invasive construction methods.
Drivers should watch out for single-lane closures between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. and 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. Monday through Friday.
The sheriff’s office asks drivers to “Please obey the speed limit, watch for construction vehicles and personnel, and for possible lane/shoulder closures.”
The work is expected to be completed by April 2022.