Lose, Learn & Earn is the name of the Network Marketing business owned by Alice and Levy Briggs of Demorest, Georgia. Their mission statement is “We’re not here JUST to make a living; we’re here to make a difference!”
The business grew from Alice’s 20 years in the Network Marketing industry. Alice and Levy formed their own business two years ago and are now members of the Habersham County Chamber of Commerce. Lose, Learn & Earn helps their clients earn extra income through direct sales of health and beauty products. Their product line includes weight loss aids, health & wellness, herbal cleansing, sports nutrition, and skin & body care. All of their products are from First Fitness Nutrition, a direct sales company founded by Lee Causey in 1989. The company carries over 30 all-natural nutritional, wellness and weight loss products, all made in the USA.
Living testaments

Alice and Levy don’t work out of an office, they work while on the go and they’re on the go most of the time. Between her job as a local church secretary, traveling and teaching their singles Sunday School class at Bethlehem Baptist Church in Clarkesville, you’ll rarely find these two sitting at home.
Levy says, “We don’t sell products, we share stories.” His own First Fitness Nutrition story started after his last treatment for throat cancer in December of 2011. The treatments left him with no saliva to aid in digestion and severe digestive problems. After a double hernia surgery, Levy started taking Reneu, a colon cleansing product developed by First Fitness. Levy not only regained his digestive health, he maintains the weight he lost in the process.
The Briggs say they have hundreds of similar stories from clients they have helped. They call those clients living testaments to the benefits of First Fitness products.
A lip smacking way to lose weight
The newest product from First Fitness is SLiMBALM. It’s billed as a “revolutionary approach to appetite control and weight loss.” Alice explains SLiMBALM is a lip balm that works by using an all-natural complex of essential oils and aromatherapy to reprogram your senses to help curb your appetite and cravings. The Briggs wear large lapel buttons with the SLiMBALM motto, “On your lips, Off your hips.” The buttons prompt questions and that opens the door to conversations about their business.
Making money with your honey
Direct selling is a tough job made easier when you’ve got good teammates by your side. That’s one reason couples like the Briggs are drawn to it. “Most of the people in our business are couples,” says Alice. It’s a great way for couples to spend time together while earning extra cash. Alice and Levy even work when they are on vacation. They spent a weekend in Hilton Head, SC and wore their “On your lips, Off your hips” buttons. They say they not only met people they wouldn’t have normally met, but practically paid for their vacation with the money they earned selling SLiMBALM.
The couple says they keep in touch with their clients and are always available to answer questions or meet their clients’ changing health and fitness needs.
The Briggs boldly affirm their faith and desire to help others in the Lose, Learn & Earn mission statement they posted to their company’s Facebook page. It reads:
“With God’s help – make a real difference in a person’s life through coaching and utilization of all natural products.”
It is through their faith, personal trials and triumphs that Alice and Levy Briggs discovered their calling. Now they’re working hard to help others find theirs.
For more information about Lose, Learn & Earn contact Alice and Levy Briggs:
[email protected] OR [email protected]
706-768-5813 OR 706-499-8880