A frightening scenario unfolded in northwest Habersham Friday when a young boy nearly drowned.
Habersham E-911 dispatched EMS and deputies to the scene of a possible drowning off of Highway 17 North around 1:36 p.m. on May 25.
Initial reports were a 3-year-old male was found in a swimming pool, had been removed by a by-stander, and C.P.R was in progress.
“Upon arrival personnel found the child out of the pool and breathing on his own,” says Habersham County Emergency Services Director Chad Black in a press release.
Less than a minute
He says emergency personnel were advised the child was in the pool with numerous other children when others noticed him underwater. Reports are he was under for less than one minute.
Initial reports indicated the boy’s mother used back blows and chest compressions to revive him. Black tells Now Habersham he’s since learned it was another woman on the scene who did that. As a result, the child reportedly threw up and started to regain consciousness.
Habersham Emergency Services crews assessed the boy and transported him by ground to Children’s Health Care of Atlanta for further treatment and observation.
At last report, the child was in stable condition and still being evaluated.
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