The case of a toddler injured in May during a drug raid on a home in Cornelia remains in the national spotlight. The syndicated television show The Doctors featured the case of Bounkham “Bou Bou” Phonesevahn on Thursday, November 20.
The then 19-month old toddler was living with his family in a relative’s home in Cornelia when drug agents tossed a “flash bang” into the room where he was sleeping. The device landed in Bou Bou’s play pen. He was severely injured.
Bou Bou’s parents Alecia and Bounkham Phonesevahn shared their story of the drug raid and their son’s recovery on the nationally-syndicated TV show The Doctors (see video). Syndicated talk show host Dr. Phil McGraw joined the host panel as a special guest during the couple’s interview.
The Bou Bou case also is featured in a newly-released online rap video Call the Cops by rap artist Rob Hustle. The video is making the rounds on the internet. It is graphic in its depiction of police brutality and features a 10 second clip of shots of Bou Bou and Habersham County Sheriff Joey Terrell.
Now Habersham reached out to Sheriff Terrell for comment about Call the Cops. He says he hasn’t seen the rap video and doesn’t intend to watch it. “Our Constitution gives them a right to say these things, to make rap videos and to voice their opinions. Our job is to defend their rights as Americans to be able to do that,” Terrell says.
Terrell and local drug agents involved in the raid have been under fire since the May 28 incident.
A Habersham County grand jury determined last month there was no basis for any criminal charges to be brought against officers involved in the raid.