BOE joins county’s Bicentennial Work Group

Planning for next year’s bicentennial celebration in Habersham is kicking into high gear. Organizers are making the rounds, recruiting help from local cities and towns and officials.

Beginning this fall, the Board of Education will be collaborating with the Bicentennial Work Group to establish plans for the year-long celebration.

During the July 27th BOE meeting, members discussed the work group’s plans establishing a series of events that will be scheduled throughout 2018. The events will take place in every city and school in Habersham County and will run through December 15, 2018.

The theme for next year is “Celebrating 200 Years of Community.” The celebration begins in January and will focus on Habersham’s history and future.

People at all levels of local government are getting involved.

During the July 25th Demorest City Council work session, Bicentennial Work Group member Mike Beecham announced that every city council in Habersham will be asked to appoint two people to the work group. Non-appointed residents also are encouraged to volunteer.

Work group meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month. Times and locations vary. The next meeting is from 12 noon to 1 p.m. on August 3 at the Clarkesville Library. The public is invited to attend.

The county plans to unveil its bicentennial website – – during the Big Red Apple Festival in October. That’s when organizers will officially kick off the Bicentennial Celebration promotional campaign.

If you’d like to volunteer or receive more information about Habersham’s big anniversary party next year, contact County Clerk Lindsay Underwood at [email protected].