Board of Education recommends rollback tax rate

The Habersham County Board of Education voted to rollback the school millage rate on Monday. The board approved a proposed rate of 14.49 mills, down from the current rate of 14.77. School system finance officers Staci Newsome and Holly Roberts recommended the rollback based on the county’s adjusted net tax digest which is down 1.5 percent this year.

Under the proposed rate, the local share of net school tax collections for Fiscal Year 2016 – including title ad valorem tax – will drop 1.88 percent. The difference will be made up through state equalization funds.

Although the proposed rollback represents a slight decrease in the local school tax, Tax Commissioner June Black says property owners in Habersham shouldn’t expect to see a drop in their tax bills. That’s because fair market value assessments are, on average, $3,000 higher this year.

On a $100,000 home the proposed millage rate of 14.49 would amount to $579.60 in school taxes (before exemptions).

The board of education is scheduled to meet Monday, July 27 at 8 a.m. to vote on final approval of the proposed millage rate. After that, it will have to be approved by the Habersham County Commission.