I love flowers – their color, their sweet scent, and their design. Around our home right now I see sunflowers, purple asters, black-eyed susans, gerbera daisies, and roses- all magnificent, all beautiful, all perfect in their own way. Does the sunflower feel less superior to the rose? Or the daisies to the geraniums? I can’t even say God made them equally spectacular because they are all so different and yet so independently wonderful.
We spend a lot of time comparing ourselves to others. She is thinner, prettier, younger, smarter. He has a better car, runs faster, and has more money. They have a bigger house, better career, better vacation spot.
It must be disheartening to God, Who made us as individuals with so much potential to do great things. It is difficult to imagine He took such time that even our fingerprints do not match, and yet we spend countless hours wallowing in jealousy and self-pity.
Today take a long look at yourself. Who did God make you to be? Are you meeting your full potential in Him? And that person you are always comparing yourself to? What about you is uniquely special and different? What do you have that they do not have?
You are uniquely and beautifully made. Bloom like a sunflower if you are a sunflower and do not consider the rose, for God made you to be a sunflower. If you are a rose, bloom like a rose and do not glance at the sunflower and wish to be it. Be who YOU are for God. The world will benefit greatly if we all bloom as He made us to bloom.